Urge EPA to adopt a robust and thorough cleanup plan for Newtown Creek's East Branch


Newtown Creek East Branch - Photo: Newtown Creek Alliance
Photo: Newtown Creek Alliance

East Branch Early Action Plan

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is overseeing the cleanup and remediation of New York City’s Newtown Creek, a federally listed Superfund site. Newtown Creek is a 3.8 mile long, highly contaminated waterway that borders Brooklyn and Queens, empties into the East River and has five tributaries, including the East Branch. During the late 19th and 20th centuries, the creek became highly industrialized, with oil refineries, manufactured gas plants, canneries, and other heavy industry located along its banks. Legacy pollutants from these industries still pollute the water today, threatening human and ecological health. In August, the EPA released a draft Early Action cleanup plan for the East Branch of Newtown Creek that aims to begin reducing human health and environmental risks in this area of the creek and to help inform the broader cleanup of the waterway.

The EPA’s preferred cleanup plan for the East Branch includes dredging, capping, sealed bulkhead replacements, shoreline stabilization measures, and a pre- and post-implementation monitoring plan to ensure the ongoing protectiveness of the remedy. Of the six alternatives studied, the EPA’s preferred plan calls for dredging three feet of contaminated sediment across the entire East Branch to allow for a multi-layered cap to be laid to prevent further contamination. The plan also allows for deeper dredging in unspecified areas.

The public has an opportunity to comment and voice concerns on EPA’s proposed draft plan to ensure that the remedy selected by EPA for the East Branch is as protective of human and ecological health as possible. Newtown Creek runs through highly populated neighborhoods and supports thriving business, recreational, academic, and ecological uses. Join Riverkeeper and Newtown Creek Alliance in urging the EPA to amend the draft Early Action Plan to ensure a robust and thorough cleanup of the East Branch and the communities that rely on it.

The public comment period for Newtown Creek’s East Branch Early Action Plan plans ends on October 28, 2024.


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  • Caroline Kwan, EPA Region 2, Superfund Division


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