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Don't let New York State give up on New York City waters

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Demand EPA hold General Electric accountable for PCB pollution in the Hudson River

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Demand that EPA acknowledge that the Upper Hudson River dredging remedy has failed to meet the goals and objectives of the cleanup, and urge EPA to adopt a "not protective determination" in the release of the third five-year review.

Urge the PSC to deny CHPE's construction plans for a more shallow burial of transmission cables in the Hudson River

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Join Riverkeeper in urging the Public Service Commission to deny CHPE's EM&CP, expand CHPE's public outreach, and ensure the project does not jeopardize public safely or cause irreparable damage to the Hudson River ecosystem.

Take Action: Make PFAS cleanup in Newburgh a priority

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Tell the Department of Defense to get the cleanup at Stewart Air National Guard Base right: Prioritize the cleanup of the riskiest sources of PFAS contamination.

Tell Congress: Don't let EPA weaken the Clean Water Act!

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Tell Congress: Don't let EPA weaken the Clean Water Act!