Hudson River at Irvington

The Hudson River needs your help

It wasn’t long ago that the Hudson was treated as an industrial sewer. Perhaps you remember (or you’ve heard stories): parents wouldn’t let their children play anywhere near the river, the fish and wildlife in catastrophic decline, and boats befouled by pollution and oil residues.

The Hudson has come a long way, thanks to members like you.

But while our waterways may look better on the surface, there is so much more to do. The Hudson and its tributaries are still being harmed by polluters, new toxins are showing up in our rivers, streams, and drinking water, and our iconic species still need help to recover from historic harms.

The Hudson hasn’t finished healing, and every day, new threats arise that could undo decades of progress. That’s why Riverkeeper remains on the case.

Please, make a donation to Riverkeeper today to give back to the Hudson River and help it heal. 

Your gift today will propel efforts to protect and restore the Hudson River and safeguard drinking water. With your support, Riverkeeper will encourage shoreline communities to respond to climate change in ways that protect habitat, fight for critical legislation that stops pollution and take polluters who flout clean water laws to court, and we'll continue to take action to bring back the fish by taking down dams and fighting for rules that stop overfishing, even outside of the Hudson River watershed.

We can't do all this without you. 

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You can make your monthly gift with a credit card or an automatic bank transfer. Donating by ACH or EFT transfer from your bank account reduces fees for Riverkeeper so more of your donation can go directly to protecting and restoring the Hudson Rver. 

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