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Current Advocacy Campaigns from Riverkeeper:

Urge Congress: Protect EPA funding for clean water and public health
The White House has proposed a 65% cut to the EPA's budget, significantly reducing funding for clean water, pollution enforcement, and toxic site cleanup. These cuts could affect drinking water safety and public health.
Take Action: Make PFAS cleanup in Newburgh a priority
Tell the Department of Defense to get the cleanup at Stewart Air National Guard Base right: Prioritize the cleanup of the riskiest sources of PFAS contamination.
Tell Congress: Don't let EPA weaken the Clean Water Act!
Tell Congress: Don't let EPA weaken the Clean Water Act!
Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
Tell Governor Hochul we need her leadership to prevent invasive species from entering the Hudson River via the Erie Canal - a once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect native ecology.
Urge Congress: Protect NOAA Funding for the Hudson River
The Hudson River Estuary Program relies on NOAA funding for critical water quality monitoring, habitat restoration, and climate resilience efforts. Urge your members of Congress to safeguard this funding and ensure the long-term health of the Hudson River
Urge the NYS DEC to finalize regulations to help protect vulnerable communities
The DEC is proposing updated regulations to better protect vulnerable communities from pollution. Urge the DEC to finalize these regulations to ensure agencies thoroughly evaluate impacts to disadvantaged communities, helping build a more just and sustain


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